Instrumentation Center at NTU
| 600 MHz Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 超導磁場600 MHz固態核磁共振儀,Bruker 14.1-T wide-bore solid-state Avance III spectrometer
4 mm MAS HX probehead
3.2 mm MAS HXY probehead
2.5 mm MAS HFX probehead
1.9 mm MAS HXY probehead
1.3 mm MAS HXY probehead
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR005200】 600 MHz 固態核磁共振光譜儀
【NMR005200】 600 MHz 固態核磁共振光譜儀
Instrument English Name
600 MHz Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):19
Number of Reservations(external):19
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTU
| IVIS Luminar II in vivo | Instrumentation Center at NTU | IVIS Luminar II in vivo imaging system (now under PerkinElmer)
目前 IVIS 採預約制,請欲使用該儀器者先聯絡電話技術員,並來信告知以下資訊:
1.姓名(職稱) 2.連絡電話 3.學校系所名稱 4.PI 姓名/聯絡方式 5.造影模式 (冷光或螢光) 6.螢光為何種螢光蛋白或染劑 7.預計預約造影日期與時段 8.實驗相關問題
IVIS 項目:
1.活體冷光偵測及定量 2.活體螢光偵測及定量 3.基因表現分析 4.腫瘤生長、轉移觀測 5.螢光分子追蹤
使用費330 元/小時,氣麻機使用費55元/次
(※若有足夠的計畫額度,90% 實驗費用由額度支付,剩餘10% 由使用者實際付/匯款至台大貴重儀器中心)
使用費4400 元/小時,氣麻機使用費550元/次
(※氣麻劑Isoflurane請自備。) |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
IVIS Luminar II in vivo
Instrument Category
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTU
| AMS Radiocarbon dating | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 臺灣目前唯一一台由荷蘭HVE公司製造的加速器質譜儀(HVEE 1.0MV Tandetron Model 4110 BO- Accelerator Mass Spectrometer)用來進行碳十四定年。
AMS 14C定年: 對含碳樣品進行放射性碳量測,計算樣品的碳十四衰變年齡 樣本種類: 木碳、泥炭、植物、毛髮、布、麻、油漆等含有機碳的物質,石筍、珊瑚、泉華、生物殼體等無機碳物質,以及地下水等。
1. 國科會計畫預約收費標準
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
AMS Radiocarbon dating
Instrument Category
Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):100
Number of Reservations(external):100
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 113 | target sample |
| target sample | 3,000 | 3,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_MOST project (list of co-author) |
| 14C dating_MOST project (list of co-author) | 3,600 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 使用NTUAMS實驗室的數據於發表論文時將NTUAMS實驗室列名為共同作者,則優惠每件為3600元。(委託者要主動提供SCI期刊論文篇名,始可享有優惠,未主動提供,恕無法享有折扣優惠。)/To use data from NTUAMS Lab and list NTUAMS member as a co-author when publishing the paper (Please take the initiative to provide the title of the published SCI paper; otherwise, the discount would be not applicable.)
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_MOST project (list of acknowledgment) |
| 14C dating_MOST project (list of acknowledgment) | 5,400 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 使用NTUAMS實驗室的數據於發表論文時有致謝本實驗室,則優惠每件為5400元。(委託者要主動提供SCI期刊論文篇名,始可享有優惠,未主動提供者,恕無法享有折扣優惠。)/To use data and mention the NTUAMS Lab in acknowledgement when publishing the paper (Please take the initiative to provide the title of the published SCI paper; otherwise, the discount would be not applicable.)
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_MOST project (basic) |
| 14C dating_MOST project (basic) | 9,000 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 使用者為國科會計畫主持人/The user who is the principal investigator of the MOST. |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_MOST project (basic) |
| 14C dating_MOST project (basic) | 9,000 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 使用者為國科會計畫主持人/The user who is the principal investigator of the MOST. |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_Academic Fees |
| 14C dating_Academic Fees | 0 | 12,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 學術界使用者非國科會計劃但屬學術研究之樣品/Academic users. Sample which is for academic research but not funded by the project of the MOST. |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_Academic Fees |
| 14C dating_Academic Fees | 0 | 12,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 學術界使用者非國科會計劃但屬學術研究之樣品/Academic users. Sample which is for academic research but not funded by the project of the MOST. |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_Academic Fees |
| 14C dating_Academic Fees | 0 | 12,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 學術界使用者非國科會計劃但屬學術研究之樣品/Academic users. Sample which is for academic research but not funded by the project of the MOST. |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-academic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (1-5 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-academic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (1-5 pieces) | 0 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣達1-5件)Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (1-5 pieces in a batch) |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-academic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (1-5 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-academic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (1-5 pieces) | 0 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣達1-5件)Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (1-5 pieces in a batch) |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-academic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (1-5 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-academic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (1-5 pieces) | 0 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣達1-5件)Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (1-5 pieces in a batch) |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) | 0 | 15,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣6-9件)/Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (6-9 pieces in a batch)
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) | 0 | 15,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣6-9件)/Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (6-9 pieces in a batch)
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) | 0 | 15,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣6-9件)/Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (6-9 pieces in a batch)
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises (6-9 pieces) | 0 | 15,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業(一批送樣6-9件)/Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (6-9 pieces in a batch)
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company (1-5 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company (1-5 pieces) | 0 | 20,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 私人廠商1-5件收費/ private company1-5 pieces
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company (1-5 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company (1-5 pieces) | 0 | 20,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 私人廠商1-5件收費/ private company1-5 pieces
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company (1-5 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company (1-5 pieces) | 0 | 20,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 私人廠商1-5件收費/ private company1-5 pieces
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company(6-9 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user_private company(6-9 pieces) | 0 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 私人廠商多件優惠(一批送樣達6-9件) Private company (6-9 pieces in a batch) |
Basic | 113 | 14C dating_non-acadimic user (more than 10 pieces) |
| 14C dating_non-acadimic user (more than 10 pieces) | 0 | 12,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 產學合作/國營事業/私人廠商(一批送樣達10件含以上)/Industry-academia collaboration/State-owned enterprises/Private company (more than 10 pieces in a batch)
Basic | 113 | Fee for CO2 purification and extraction |
| Fee for CO2 purification and extraction | 2,000 | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 當樣本已經純化提取至CO2氣體,但含碳量不足,致無法完成定年分析者,酌收實驗成本費用。 |
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Instrumentation Center at NTU
| ASPECT M2 MRI | Instrumentation Center at NTU | Aspect M2 compact MRI system Aspect M2 compact MRI system
目前 MRI 採預約制,請欲使用該儀器者先聯絡電話技術員,並來信告知以下資訊:
1.姓名(職稱) 2.連絡電話 3.學校系所名稱 4.PI 姓名/聯絡方式 5.造影模式 (冷光或螢光) 6.螢光為何種螢光蛋白或染劑 7.預計預約造影日期與時段 8.實驗相關問題
目前提供In tube實驗上機。
In tube:使用費330元/小時
In vivo:使用費440元/小時,氣麻機使用費55元/次
In tube:使用費4400元/小時
In vivo:使用費5500元/小時,氣麻機使用費550元/次
(※氣麻劑Isoflurane請自備)。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Instrument Category
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTU
| BD FACSAria III sorter | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 廠牌型號:BD FACSAriaIII
收費標準: NT. 900 元/時段 (2hrs) - 國科會計畫自行分析使用者
NT. 1,200 元/時段 (2hrs) - 國科會計畫委託分析使用者
NT. 1,500 元/時段 (2hrs) - 國科會計畫委託分選使用者
NT. 2,800 元/時段 (2hrs) - 非國科會之學術機關使用者
NT. 3,400 元/時段 (2hrs) - 非國科會之廠商使用者
上樣管:5 元/個
40um 篩網:80元/個
ModFit 軟體分析:100 元/10個樣本 (每單位數量為 10 個樣本內) |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
BD FACSAria III sorter
Instrument Category
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):37
Number of Reservations(external):40
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTU
| Bruker AVIII-500MHz FT-NMR | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 500MHz NMR 高解析超導核磁共振儀
超導體磁鐵500MHz Super-Conducting Magnet- 11.75 Tesla
電子控制系統 High Resolution Spectrometer - Larmor Freq. For 1H: 500 MHz
個人電腦 HP-WorkStation Z400
樣品自動更換送樣盤 Sample Xpress
5mm 雙共振異核寬頻冷溫探頭
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR000600】Bruker AVIII-500 超導核磁共振儀
【NMR000600】Bruker AVIII-500 超導核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name
Bruker AVIII-500MHz FT-NMR
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):35
Number of Reservations(external):37
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 113 | Notes |
| Notes | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| (1) 110年度起,定價為致謝價, 發表論文時,請將資料回傳, 否則定價為 3~5 倍。 The prices listed below for 2022 are for those who has provided their publications with acknowledgement to the NMR facility of Instrumentation Center of NTU; otherwise the price will be 3~5 times of the listed price.
(2) 若有製圖或樣品配置需求,費用另計。 Additional fee will be charged if sample preparation or PDF printing is required. |
Basic | 113 | NMR measurement |
| NMR measurement | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 1H (CDCl3)- qualitative, n>1 (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 1H (CDCl3)- qualitative, n>1 (effective on 1st September 2022) | 75 | 400 | 75 | 400 | No discount |
| 此價格於2022年9月1日開始才生效 |
Basic | 113 | 1H (non-CDCl3)- qualitative (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 1H (non-CDCl3)- qualitative (effective on 1st September 2022) | 90 | 400 | 90 | 400 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 1H (D2O,etc)- qualitative (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 1H (D2O,etc)- qualitative (effective on 1st September 2022) | 100 | 500 | 100 | 500 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | T1, T2 expt ( room temp) |
| T1, T2 expt ( room temp) | 200 | 1,000 | 200 | 1,000 | No discount |
| 實驗時間未滿 1 小時者, 以 1 小時計費。
一般T1 需製作 2~ 12 小時 |
Basic | 113 | 1H - quantitative 150 NTD/ 0.25hr/ea |
| 1H - quantitative 150 NTD/ 0.25hr/ea | 150 | 750 | 150 | 750 | No discount |
| 特別條件 : D1=5T1, atmm, topshim , fix ns, rg |
Basic | 113 | DOSY NMR |
| DOSY NMR | 150 | 750 | 150 | 750 | No discount |
| 實驗時間未滿 1 小時者, 以 1 小時計費。 |
Basic | 113 | Selective Expt |
| Selective Expt | 150 | 750 | 150 | 750 | No discount |
| 實驗時間未滿 1 小時者, 以 1 小時計費。 |
Basic | 113 | Other variant NMR experiments |
| Other variant NMR experiments | 720 | 1,600 | 720 | 1,600 | No discount |
| 時間未滿 1 小時者, 以 1 小時計費, 以室溫為準, 每增減10度, 價格再增加120/hr, e.g.298K = 120/hr, 308K = 240/hr, 318K=360/hr |
Basic | 113 | 13C- conc/ X-nuc (NT120/0.25hr) (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 13C- conc/ X-nuc (NT120/0.25hr) (effective on 1st September 2022) | 120 | 600 | 120 | 600 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 13C-dilute (2nd hr : NT120/hr) (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 13C-dilute (2nd hr : NT120/hr) (effective on 1st September 2022) | 120 | 600 | 120 | 600 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 2D -NMR (1st hr :NT480 ) (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 2D -NMR (1st hr :NT480 ) (effective on 1st September 2022) | 480 | 2,400 | 480 | 2,400 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 2D -NMR (NT120 : 2nd hr) (effective on 1st September 2022) |
| 2D -NMR (NT120 : 2nd hr) (effective on 1st September 2022) | 120 | 600 | 120 | 600 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | 19F NMR (effective on 1st Sep. 2022) |
| 19F NMR (effective on 1st Sep. 2022) | 100 | 400 | 100 | 400 | No discount |
| 此價格於2022年9月1日開始才生效 |
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Instrumentation Center at NTU
| Bruker AVIII-800 MHz NMR | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 超高場800 MHz核磁共振儀,Bruker 18.8-T 800 MHz Avance III spectrometer。
超冷溫5mm TCI 1H/13C/15N 三共振探頭
常溫探頭5mm TXI 1H/13C/15N 三共振探頭
常溫探頭5mm BBO 1H/X 雙共振探頭
各種液態及固態核磁共振實驗,主要提供超冷溫5mm TCI 1H/13C/15N 三共振探頭之實驗服務,其他探頭之實驗服務視需求隨冷溫探頭保養期程安排。
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR004900】Bruker AVIII-800 超導核磁共振儀
【NMR004900】Bruker AVIII-800 超導核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name
Bruker AVIII-800 MHz NMR
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):10
Number of Reservations(external):9
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTU
| Bruker S300/Bruker BIOSPEC 70/30 | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 本3T MRI已於民國八十六年六月完成簽約,並於八十八年六月安裝測試後,開始服務相關研究計畫。本儀器設備屬於先進型儀器設備,所含跨之領域更包含文理醫工農等學科,目的在於整合國內各領域學門,並發展本土化之研究,故以研究服務為主。目前貴重儀器研究計畫服務時間為每星期每天,但將依實際運作情形調整,並藉計畫服務,加強各研究計畫間之交流整合,共同提升國內之研究水準。本儀器置放於台灣大學電機一館1樓102室佔地約20坪,可容納所有相關儀器設備並且地點適切、交通便利。
廠牌型號: BRUKER S300 BIOSPEC/MEDSPEC MRI 核磁共振影像/光譜儀
1. 腦功能性影像
2. 水分子擴散張量影像
3. 水含量影像
4. 小動物生理病理研究
5. 物化特性分析
6. 快速動態影像
7. 三維影像擷取,重建及立體圖譜
8. 顯微影像
9. 合作研究發展磁振影像的新技術與應用
收費標準: MRI進行學術研究,其基本費用為2000元/時,依使用者研究需求基本費用最高為4000元/時。但廠商基本收費調整為6000元/時,如廠商需影像分析則再加收廠商基本費乘以3。
為了因應後基因體時代的來臨,應用In Vivo MRI分子影像技術針對基因表現、胚胎發育、癌症診斷與追蹤、組織凋零與壞死及大腦功能等相關研究,其需求量與重要性必然是逐漸增多、提高。因此動物用7T核磁共振影像儀可針對活體動物進行長期實驗探究,對於基因表現及藥物臨床等相關研究能夠提供相當大之幫助,加入研究開發新型醫學影像之顯影劑,並結合分子生物之技術,而能在此設備上應用新式具特異標定功能之奈米粒子。所以經由本校「邁向頂尖大學」全校基礎建設經費之挹注,已於民國九十六年七月完成動物用7T核磁共振影像儀簽約,即將於九十七年九月進行安裝測試,預計在九十八年初可提供相關研究計畫服務。本動物用MRI能提供國內相關單位於神經生物、認知科學學門的研究,此貴重儀器服務時間為每星期每天,但將依實際運作情形調整。本7T animal MRI置放於台灣大學電機二館1樓134室佔地約24坪,可容納所有相關儀器設備並且地點適切、交通便利。
廠牌型號: BRUKER BIOSPEC 70/30 MRI核磁共振影像/光譜儀
1. 腦功能性影像
2. 水分子擴散張量影像
3. 水含量影像
4. 小動物生理病理研究
5. 物化特性分析
6. 快速動態影像
7. 三維影像擷取,重建及立體圖譜
8. 顯微影像
9. 合作研究發展磁振影像的新技術與應用
收費標準: MRI進行學術研究,其基本費用為2000元/時,依使用者研究需求基本費用最高為4000元/時。但廠商基本收費調整為6000元/時,如廠商需影像分析則再加收廠商基本費乘以3。
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Bruker S300/Bruker BIOSPEC 70/30
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTU
| Bruker S300/Bruker BIOSPEC 70/30 | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 本3T MRI已於民國八十六年六月完成簽約,並於八十八年六月安裝測試後,開始服務相關研究計畫。本儀器設備屬於先進型儀器設備,所含跨之領域更包含文理醫工農等學科,目的在於整合國內各領域學門,並發展本土化之研究,故以研究服務為主。目前貴重儀器研究計畫服務時間為每星期每天,但將依實際運作情形調整,並藉計畫服務,加強各研究計畫間之交流整合,共同提升國內之研究水準。本儀器置放於台灣大學電機一館1樓102室佔地約20坪,可容納所有相關儀器設備並且地點適切、交通便利。
廠牌型號: BRUKER S300 BIOSPEC/MEDSPEC MRI 核磁共振影像/光譜儀
1. 腦功能性影像
2. 水分子擴散張量影像
3. 水含量影像
4. 小動物生理病理研究
5. 物化特性分析
6. 快速動態影像
7. 三維影像擷取,重建及立體圖譜
8. 顯微影像
9. 合作研究發展磁振影像的新技術與應用
收費標準: MRI進行學術研究,其基本費用為2000元/時,依使用者研究需求基本費用最高為4000元/時。但廠商基本收費調整為6000元/時,如廠商需影像分析則再加收廠商基本費乘以3。
為了因應後基因體時代的來臨,應用In Vivo MRI分子影像技術針對基因表現、胚胎發育、癌症診斷與追蹤、組織凋零與壞死及大腦功能等相關研究,其需求量與重要性必然是逐漸增多、提高。因此動物用7T核磁共振影像儀可針對活體動物進行長期實驗探究,對於基因表現及藥物臨床等相關研究能夠提供相當大之幫助,加入研究開發新型醫學影像之顯影劑,並結合分子生物之技術,而能在此設備上應用新式具特異標定功能之奈米粒子。所以經由本校「邁向頂尖大學」全校基礎建設經費之挹注,已於民國九十六年七月完成動物用7T核磁共振影像儀簽約,即將於九十七年九月進行安裝測試,預計在九十八年初可提供相關研究計畫服務。本動物用MRI能提供國內相關單位於神經生物、認知科學學門的研究,此貴重儀器服務時間為每星期每天,但將依實際運作情形調整。本7T animal MRI置放於台灣大學電機二館1樓134室佔地約24坪,可容納所有相關儀器設備並且地點適切、交通便利。
廠牌型號: BRUKER BIOSPEC 70/30 MRI核磁共振影像/光譜儀
1. 腦功能性影像
2. 水分子擴散張量影像
3. 水含量影像
4. 小動物生理病理研究
5. 物化特性分析
6. 快速動態影像
7. 三維影像擷取,重建及立體圖譜
8. 顯微影像
9. 合作研究發展磁振影像的新技術與應用
收費標準: MRI進行學術研究,其基本費用為2000元/時,依使用者研究需求基本費用最高為4000元/時。但廠商基本收費調整為6000元/時,如廠商需影像分析則再加收廠商基本費乘以3。
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Bruker S300/Bruker BIOSPEC 70/30
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 113 | Scaning fee(for Research Institute) |
| Scaning fee(for Research Institute) | 1,500 | 3,500 | 1,500 | 3,500 | No discount |
| 學術研究單位:
非國科會計畫:3500元/hr,氣麻另計(1000元/hr)。 |
Basic | 113 | Scaning fee(for Industry&Business) |
| Scaning fee(for Industry&Business) | 6,500 | 6,500 | 6,500 | 6,500 | No discount |
| 業界廠商:
一律6500元/hr,氣麻另計(1000元/hr)。 |
Basic | 113 | Anesthetic gas |
| Anesthetic gas | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| 氣體麻醉:
業界廠商:1000元/hr。 |
Basic | 113 | MRI CryoProbe |
| MRI CryoProbe | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
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Instrumentation Center at NTU
| Cold-field emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Hitachi S-4800) | Instrumentation Center at NTU | 1. 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM Hitachi S4800) :加速電壓:0.1~30 KV;放大倍率:30~800,000X;發射源:冷陰極電子槍;試片尺寸:100 mm diameter;二次電子解析度:1.0nm(at 15kV) or 2.0nm(at 1kV)。
2. 表面X光能量光譜元素分析(EDS):單/多點分析; 線分析; 面元素分佈分析與 特定位置大範圍表面材料成分電子能階光譜分析,用以判斷表面材料或污染的組成。
3. No/Yes coating Au/Pt/C之前處理。
4.樣品種類處理: 高分子、生物試片和粉末需先經表面前處理後,黏牢在待測基板上後,再攜帶到檢測室進行檢測。若試片含有水分,一律先自行120℃熱烘烤 後,再攜帶到檢測室進行檢測。 試片是弱磁性物質,請先告知進行消磁處理,讓操作員判斷正確的處理方式。
5.影像儲存注意事項: 實驗完成後請自行用網路上傳至個人雲端貨相關聯結,電顯室備資料供預約者之後查詢使用。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【EM000104】高解析掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Hitachi S-4800)
【EM000104】高解析掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Hitachi S-4800)
Instrument English Name
Cold-field emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Hitachi S-4800)
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 113 | CCD catch |
| CCD catch | 20 | 200 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | sever sample NO. |
| sever sample NO. | 100 | 500 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 為技術員送樣與拍攝 |
Basic | 113 | Basic charge for S4800 |
| Basic charge for S4800 | 180 | 2,000 | 200 | 300 | No discount |
| 每次預約基本時數以兩小時為計算單位, 超過10分鐘多加一小時時數計費.
自行操作: 上午以3小為計算單位; 中午以2小時為計算單位. |
Basic | 113 | Gold coating |
| Gold coating | 150 | 1,200 | 150 | 200 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | Carbon coating |
| Carbon coating | 300 | 3,000 | 300 | 400 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | Critical Point Dry (CDP) |
| Critical Point Dry (CDP) | 300 | 2,500 | 300 | 400 | No discount |
| 每星期二/ 四 下午2點~5點, 以電話預約. 每次服務時間以3小時計算. |
Basic | 113 | platinum coting |
| platinum coting | 250 | 2,500 | 250 | 400 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | CCD catch (operate by user) |
| CCD catch (operate by user) | 200 | 0 | 200 | 400 | No discount |
| 自行操作: 早上時短以3小時為計算單位; 中午以2小時為計算單位. |
Basic | 113 | Spectrum Quantification |
| Spectrum Quantification | 150 | 1,000 | 150 | 300 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 113 | Objection |
| Objection | 150 | 1,000 | 150 | 300 | No discount |
| 一個畫面最多3區塊 |
Basic | 113 | Lines canning |
| Lines canning | 150 | 1,000 | 150 | 300 | No discount |
| 包含單線區域之元素比例分析 |
Basic | 113 | EDX Mapping |
| EDX Mapping | 400 | 3,000 | 400 | 600 | No discount |
| 包含相對影像之各別定性分佈分析報告書 |
Basic | 113 | Surface Glowdischarge |
| Surface Glowdischarge | 150 | 1,500 | 150 | 300 | No discount |
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