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1 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【NMR000400】Bruker AV III HD-600液態超導核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name Bruker AV III HD-600
Instrument Category Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):100
Number of Reservations(external):72
2 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【XRD001200】Bruker D8 Venture雙靶單晶繞射儀
Instrument English Name Bruker D8 Venture (DUO)
Instrument Category X-Ray Diffractometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):289
Number of Reservations(external):295
3 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【MS005900】電子游離-雙聚焦磁場式質譜儀 (EI-Magnetic Sector)
Instrument English Name Electron Ionization Double-Focusing Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):120
Number of Reservations(external):118
4 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【MS005600】電灑游離-四極桿/飛行時間式質譜儀 (ESI-Q/TOF)
Instrument English Name Electrospray Ionization Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):118
Number of Reservations(external):120
5 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【BIO002005】高通量顯微影像擷取暨分析系統 (MD ImageXpress Micro Confocal)
Instrument English Name High Content Micro-Imaging Acquisition and Screening System
Instrument Category Bio-Tech.
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
6 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【EPR000500】高解析低溫電子自旋共振儀
Instrument English Name High-Resolution Low-Temperature Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Category Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):100
Number of Reservations(external):97
7 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【BIO002514】雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡系統 (Zeiss LSM880 with airyscan)
Instrument English Name Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope System (ZEISS LSM880 with airyscan)
Instrument Category Bio-Tech.
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
8 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【BIO002003】活細胞即時影像系統
Instrument English Name Live cell imaging system
Instrument Category Bio-Tech.
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
9 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【MS004900】基質輔助雷射脫附游離-飛行時間式質譜儀 (MALDI-TOF/TOF)
Instrument English Name Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):48
Number of Reservations(external):49
10 國立臺灣師範大學貴重儀器使用中心
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
Instrument Chinese Name 【XRD005300】X光粉末繞射儀
Instrument English Name X-ray Powder Diffractometer
Instrument Category X-Ray Diffractometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):117
Number of Reservations(external):117