National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Bruker AV III HD-600 | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 中文名稱:Bruker Avance III HD-600 MHz 液態超導核磁共振儀
英文名稱:Bruker Avance III HD-600 MHz NMR
型號:Bruker AVIII HD- 600
1D NMR:1H、13C...等多核種『涵蓋 1H/ 19F / 109Ag to 31P 』
變溫 NMR:1D、2D NMR 變溫實驗
TBO 探頭 可進行的實驗項目:1H{19F}、19F{1H}、1H-19F COSY、19F-1H HOESY、19F-19F COSY、19F-19F NOESY、13C{19F}、13C{19F}{1H}、19F{X}、19F{X}{1H}、
19F-13C HMQC (1J)、19F-13C HMQC (nJ, n大於等於2)、19F-13C{1H} HMQC、1H-13C{19F} HMQC、1H-13C{19F} HMBC |
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR000400】Bruker AV III HD-600液態超導核磁共振儀
【NMR000400】Bruker AV III HD-600液態超導核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name
Bruker AV III HD-600
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):100
Number of Reservations(external):72
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Bruker D8 Venture (DUO) | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 中文名稱:Bruker D8 Venture 雙鈀 X-射線單晶繞射儀
英文名稱:Bruker D8 Venture Dual X-ray Single Crystal Diffractometer
英文簡稱:D8 Venture
型號:D8 Venture IuS 3.0 Dual source
服務項目:1. 晶系或晶格常數測定
2. 單晶繞射實驗數據收集
3. 以合作方式分析晶體結構
Instrument Chinese Name
【XRD001200】Bruker D8 Venture雙靶單晶繞射儀
【XRD001200】Bruker D8 Venture雙靶單晶繞射儀
Instrument English Name
Bruker D8 Venture (DUO)
Instrument Category
X-Ray Diffractometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):289
Number of Reservations(external):295
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Electron Ionization Double-Focusing Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 1. 廠牌型號: JEOL; JMS-700(2)
2. 服務項目及收費標準: 高解析電子撞擊游離法, 2000元/件; 低解析電子撞擊游離法, 1000元/件; 快速原子撞擊游離法, 2000元/件.
3. 儀器規格及簡介
a. 進樣系統:DIP(direct insertion probe)
b. 離子源:EI(電子撞擊游離法)及FAB(快速原子撞擊游離法)
c. 偵測範圍:50~2000 m/z
d. 解析度:≧ 60,000(10% valley)
e. 準確度:≦ 5ppm
f. 自動調校系統:以PFK進行外校
g. 適用於化學、材料、醫學…等相關化合物精確分子量鑑定
Instrument Chinese Name
【MS005900】電子游離-雙聚焦磁場式質譜儀 (EI-Magnetic Sector)
【MS005900】電子游離-雙聚焦磁場式質譜儀 (EI-Magnetic Sector)
Instrument English Name
Electron Ionization Double-Focusing Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):120
Number of Reservations(external):118
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Electrospray Ionization Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 1. 廠牌:Waters
2. 型號:Xevo® G2-S QTof
3. 服務項目及收費標準: 高解析液相層析電噴灑游離法,2000元/件; 低解析液相層析電噴灑游離法, 1000元/件.
4. 游離法:電噴灑 (Electropsray Ionization, ESI)
5. 分析器:四極桿/飛行時間串聯質譜儀
6. 掃描質量範圍可達m/z 10,000。
7. 飛行時間質量分析器解析度可達到22,500 (FWHM)。
8. 質量測量準確:可少於5 ppm誤差。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【MS005600】電灑游離-四極桿/飛行時間式質譜儀 (ESI-Q/TOF)
【MS005600】電灑游離-四極桿/飛行時間式質譜儀 (ESI-Q/TOF)
Instrument English Name
Electrospray Ionization Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):118
Number of Reservations(external):120
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| High Content Micro-Imaging Acquisition and Screening System | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 高通量顯微影像擷取暨分析系統 (MD ImageXpress Micro Confocal)
1.螢光標定之生物樣本影像處理, 並可供活細胞觀測及玻片樣本拍照
a. 中心技術人員以提供系統拍攝等相關工作上的協助為主,到製成樣品前的實驗請各實驗室自行蒐集相關資料進行操作,如需技術指導教學 (如細胞實驗操作、樣品玻片製作等),本中心會酌收指導費用。
b. 所有委測請於實驗前最少一周,與中心技術人員進行時段確認方可預約。
c. 相關問題請聯繫中心技術人員,可撥打電話及寄送電子郵件進行細節討論詢問,電子郵件請附上主旨,內文除了討論的問題外,請附上詢問/送樣者 姓名、單位名稱及單位/實驗室連絡電話,請務必留下市話電話及分機。
每小時180元。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【BIO002005】高通量顯微影像擷取暨分析系統 (MD ImageXpress Micro Confocal)
【BIO002005】高通量顯微影像擷取暨分析系統 (MD ImageXpress Micro Confocal)
Instrument English Name
High Content Micro-Imaging Acquisition and Screening System
Instrument Category
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| High-Resolution Low-Temperature Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 一、儀器名稱
英文名稱:Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
廠牌:Bruker (德國)
(1) 電磁鐵:10吋水冷式;最高磁場強度:17KG
(2) 雙模共振腔:垂直及平行模式測量
(3) 頻率:X-band及Q-band
(4) 低溫溫控系統:3.8K~400K
(5) 軟體:Xenon
1. 室溫、77K、4K及變溫樣品測量
2. 雙模共振腔模式測量
3. 已知物定量測量 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
High-Resolution Low-Temperature Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):100
Number of Reservations(external):97
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 114 | X-band_Experiment (RT) |
| X-band_Experiment (RT) | 200 | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | X-band_liquid nitrogen Experiment |
| X-band_liquid nitrogen Experiment | 400 | 4,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | X-band liquid helium Experiment |
| X-band liquid helium Experiment | 800 | 8,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 液氦變溫實驗(4~70K):
(1)可量測X-band (高靈敏/雙模共振腔)、Q-band
(3)每年會在6、12月公告進行收件,如有急需的使用者,可自購一桶液氦,即可為您安排實驗。 |
Basic | 114 | VT experiment (100~300 K) |
| VT experiment (100~300 K) | 400 | 4,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 液氮變溫實驗(100~300K):
(1)可量測X-band (高靈敏/雙模共振腔)、Q-band
(3)需額外加收液氮X-band裝置安裝費用(150元/次)/液氮Q-band裝置安裝費用(250元/次) |
Basic | 114 | additional charge |
| additional charge | 40 | 400 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 同一系統超過半小時加收40元/半小時 |
Basic | 114 | Device installation of Q-band |
| Device installation of Q-band | 250 | 2,500 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 常溫/液氮/液氦Q-band裝置安裝費用皆為一次2500元 |
Basic | 114 | Device installation of X-band (Liquid Helium) |
| Device installation of X-band (Liquid Helium) | 250 | 2,500 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Device installation of X-band (Liquid Nitrogen) |
| Device installation of X-band (Liquid Nitrogen) | 150 | 1,500 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Quantitative measurement of known sample |
| Quantitative measurement of known sample | 120 | 1,200 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 適合室溫已知樣品定量(需先跟技術人員討論測量之物種,不含測量費用) |
Basic | 114 | File format conversion |
| File format conversion | 20 | 200 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Additional equipment |
| Additional equipment | 100 | 1,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| (1)Aqueous solution cell (若需量測,可供外借使用)
(2)適合室溫水樣品使用,費用已包含裝置安裝費 |
Basic | 114 | X-band liquid nitrogen experiment |
| X-band liquid nitrogen experiment | 320 | 3,200 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 論文發表於ACKNOWLEDGMENTS有提及操作員或師大EPR,提供額外折扣。 |
Basic | 114 | Additional equipment |
| Additional equipment | 200 | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 適合室溫水樣品使用,費用已包含裝置安裝費 |
Basic | 114 | Sample preparation |
| Sample preparation | 100 | 1,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 限制不怕水氧的樣品前處理作業,需先與操作員聯絡 |
Basic | 114 | X-band tube |
| X-band tube | 500 | 500 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| X-band tube使用費,需先與操作員聯絡 |
Basic | 114 | Q-band tube |
| Q-band tube | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| Q-band tube使用費,需先與操作員聯絡 |
Basic | 114 | X-band liquid helium experiment |
| X-band liquid helium experiment | 640 | 6,400 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 論文發表於ACKNOWLEDGMENTS有提及操作員或師大EPR,提供額外折扣。 |
Basic | 114 | Q-band_Experiment (RT) |
| Q-band_Experiment (RT) | 1,200 | 12,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Q-band_liquid nitrogen Experiment |
| Q-band_liquid nitrogen Experiment | 1,400 | 14,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Q-band liquid helium Experiment |
| Q-band liquid helium Experiment | 1,800 | 18,000 | 0 | 0 | No discount |
| 液氦變溫實驗(4~70K):
(1)可量測X-band (高靈敏/雙模共振腔)、Q-band
(3)每年會在6、12月公告進行收件,如有急需的使用者,可自購一桶液氦,即可為您安排實驗。 |
 | Loading… |
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope System (ZEISS LSM880 with airyscan) | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡系統 (ZEISS LSM 880 with Aryscan)
a. 中心技術人員以提供系統拍攝等相關工作上的協助為主,到製成樣品前的實驗請各實驗室自行蒐集相關資料進行操作,如需技術指導教學 (如細胞實驗操作、樣品玻片製作等),本中心會酌收指導費用。
b. 所有委測請於實驗前最少一周,與中心技術人員進行時段確認方可預約。
c. 相關問題請聯繫中心技術人員,可撥打電話及寄送電子郵件進行細節討論詢問,電子郵件請附上主旨,內文除了討論的問題外,請附上詢問/送樣者 姓名、單位名稱及單位/實驗室連絡電話,請務必留下市話電話及分機。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【BIO002514】雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡系統 (Zeiss LSM880 with airyscan)
【BIO002514】雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡系統 (Zeiss LSM880 with airyscan)
Instrument English Name
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope System (ZEISS LSM880 with airyscan)
Instrument Category
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Live cell imaging system | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 活細胞即時影像系統 (Leica DMI4000B)
a. 中心技術人員以提供系統拍攝等相關工作上的協助為主,到製成樣品前的實驗請各實驗室自行蒐集相關資料進行操作,如需技術指導教學 (如細胞實驗操作、樣品玻片製作等),本中心會酌收指導費用。
b. 所有委測請於實驗前最少一周,與中心技術人員進行時段確認方可預約。
c. 相關問題請聯繫中心技術人員,可撥打電話及寄送電子郵件進行細節討論詢問,電子郵件請附上主旨,內文除了討論的問題外,請附上詢問/送樣者 姓名、單位名稱及單位/實驗室連絡電話,請務必留下市話電話及分機。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Live cell imaging system
Instrument Category
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | Bruker, New ultrafleXtremeTM (基質輔助雷射游離/飛行時間質譜儀), 一般有機合成物質、有機光學材料、高分子、染料、蛋白質/胜肽及DNA 之分子量(800~80000)檢測。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【MS004900】基質輔助雷射脫附游離-飛行時間式質譜儀 (MALDI-TOF/TOF)
【MS004900】基質輔助雷射脫附游離-飛行時間式質譜儀 (MALDI-TOF/TOF)
Instrument English Name
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):48
Number of Reservations(external):49
Billing Trial Calculation
National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center
| X-ray Powder Diffractometer | National Taiwan Normal University Instrumentation Center | 中文名稱:Bruker D8 X-光粉末繞射儀
英文名稱:Bruker D8 X-ray Powder Diffractometer
英文簡稱:Bruker D8-XRD
服務項目:1. 數據收集:數據分析及繞射圖譜
2. 變溫實驗:繞射圖譜 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
X-ray Powder Diffractometer
Instrument Category
X-Ray Diffractometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):117
Number of Reservations(external):117
Billing Trial Calculation