Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| AES/ESCA Scanning Microprobe(Client service) | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | ULVAC-PHI ESCA PHI 5000 VersaProbe III儀器之光源配備X-ray單光器(monochromator),使光源能寬減小,可有效提升能量解析度,使同一元素的不同化學位移成分可以更容易且正確地解析出;使用E-Gun產生的電子束來激發出X光光源,因此可經由控制電子束大小來控制X光源點的大小,使X光的光點大小可以隨意調整及控制在10 μm到1400 μm之間,故可進行微區分析及元素影像掃描;除了氬離子鎗外,並加裝Ar cluster 離子鎗,可針對高分子材料做低能量的濺蝕,減少濺蝕能量對化學鍵結的破壞,提供正確的縱深化學鍵結資訊;配備電子中和鎗(neutralizer),可中和試片表面因導電性不良產生的電荷累積,量測絶緣試片的化學成份分析;配備AES,量測Auger訊號,可搭配ESCA做微區定性及定量的確認;配備UPS,以He的UV光源為激發能來量測樣品表面之valence band (HOMO)或Fermi level;配備LEIPS,可搭配UPS圖譜,算出band gap;配備Hot and cold Stage可變溫(-120度 C to +500度C)量測試片。服務項目包含:表面定性、定量分析、化學位移分析、縱深分析、線掃描、影像掃描分析、紫外光譜分析(UPS)、LEIPS分析、變溫分析、角度解析分析等。111年度起收費標準:每小時450元,使用中和槍、離子槍、UPS、LEIPS、加熱及冷卻系統者,需加收費用100元/小時。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
AES/ESCA Scanning Microprobe(Client service)
Instrument Category
Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):19
Number of Reservations(external):18
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 114 | Self operation |
| Self operation | 350 | 3,500 | 350 | 3,500 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Ar ion gun sputter |
| Ar ion gun sputter | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | GCIB sputter |
| GCIB sputter | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | UPS |
| UPS | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Neutralization |
| Neutralization | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | LEIPS |
| LEIPS | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Hot/Cold stage |
| Hot/Cold stage | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | print |
| print | 10 | 100 | 10 | 100 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Client Service |
| Client Service | 450 | 3,500 | 350 | 3,500 | No discount |
| |
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Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| AES/ESCA Scanning Microprobe(Self operation)-Day | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | ULVAC-PHI ESCA PHI 5000 VersaProbe III儀器之光源配備X-ray單光器(monochromator),使光源能寬減小,可有效提升能量解析度,使同一元素的不同化學位移成分可以更容易且正確地解析出;使用E-Gun產生的電子束來激發出X光光源,因此可經由控制電子束大小來控制X光源點的大小,使X光的光點大小可以隨意調整及控制在10 μm到1400 μm之間,故可進行微區分析及元素影像掃描;除了氬離子鎗外,並加裝Ar cluster 離子鎗,可針對高分子材料做低能量的濺蝕,減少濺蝕能量對化學鍵結的破壞,提供正確的縱深化學鍵結資訊;配備電子中和鎗(neutralizer),可中和試片表面因導電性不良產生的電荷累積,量測絶緣試片的化學成份分析;配備AES,量測Auger訊號,可搭配ESCA做微區定性及定量的確認;配備UPS,以He的UV光源為激發能來量測樣品表面之valence band (HOMO)或Fermi level;配備LEIPS,可搭配UPS圖譜,算出band gap;配備Hot and cold Stage可變溫(-120度 C to +500度C)量測試片。服務項目包含:表面定性、定量分析、化學位移分析、縱深分析、線掃描、影像掃描分析、紫外光譜分析(UPS)、LEIPS分析、變溫分析、角度解析分析等。111年度起收費標準:每小時350元,使用中和槍、離子槍、UPS、LEIPS、加熱及冷卻系統者,需加收費用100元/小時。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
AES/ESCA Scanning Microprobe(Self operation)-Day
Instrument Category
Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 114 | Self operation |
| Self operation | 350 | 3,500 | 350 | 3,500 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Ar ion gun sputter |
| Ar ion gun sputter | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | GCIB sputter |
| GCIB sputter | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | UPS |
| UPS | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Neutralization |
| Neutralization | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | LEIPS |
| LEIPS | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Hot/Cold stage |
| Hot/Cold stage | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | print |
| print | 10 | 100 | 10 | 100 | No discount |
| |
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Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| AES/ESCA Scanning Microprobe(Self operation)-night | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | ULVAC-PHI ESCA PHI 5000 VersaProbe III儀器之光源配備X-ray單光器(monochromator),使光源能寬減小,可有效提升能量解析度,使同一元素的不同化學位移成分可以更容易且正確地解析出;使用E-Gun產生的電子束來激發出X光光源,因此可經由控制電子束大小來控制X光源點的大小,使X光的光點大小可以隨意調整及控制在10 μm到1400 μm之間,故可進行微區分析及元素影像掃描;除了氬離子鎗外,並加裝Ar cluster 離子鎗,可針對高分子材料做低能量的濺蝕,減少濺蝕能量對化學鍵結的破壞,提供正確的縱深化學鍵結資訊;配備電子中和鎗(neutralizer),可中和試片表面因導電性不良產生的電荷累積,量測絶緣試片的化學成份分析;配備AES,量測Auger訊號,可搭配ESCA做微區定性及定量的確認;配備UPS,以He的UV光源為激發能來量測樣品表面之valence band (HOMO)或Fermi level;配備LEIPS,可搭配UPS圖譜,算出band gap;配備Hot and cold Stage可變溫(-120度 C to +500度C)量測試片。服務項目包含:表面定性、定量分析、化學位移分析、縱深分析、線掃描、影像掃描分析、紫外光譜分析(UPS)、LEIPS分析、變溫分析、角度解析分析等。111年度起收費標準:每小時350元,使用中和槍、離子槍、UPS、LEIPS、加熱及冷卻系統者,需加收費用100元/小時。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
AES/ESCA Scanning Microprobe(Self operation)-night
Instrument Category
Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 114 | Self operation |
| Self operation | 350 | 3,500 | 350 | 3,500 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Ar ion gun sputter |
| Ar ion gun sputter | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | GCIB sputter |
| GCIB sputter | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | UPS |
| UPS | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Neutralization |
| Neutralization | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | LEIPS |
| LEIPS | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | Hot/Cold stage |
| Hot/Cold stage | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | print |
| print | 10 | 100 | 10 | 100 | No discount |
| |
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Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| Biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 850MHz | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | 此儀器為德國Bruker出產的AVANCE 850超導核磁共振儀,配備有X、Y、Z三個軸的Gradient及變溫裝置,以服務生化樣品為優先。目前測試的核種有1H、13C、15N,在1D、2D及3D圖譜。收費標準:一小時150元;請與技術員聯絡並討論實驗可行性。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR005500A】生物型核磁共振儀 (Bio 850MHz)
【NMR005500A】生物型核磁共振儀 (Bio 850MHz)
Instrument English Name
Biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 850MHz
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):30
Number of Reservations(external):20
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| Biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 850MHz | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | 此儀器為德國Bruker出產的AVANCE 850超導核磁共振儀,配備有X、Y、Z三個軸的Gradient及變溫裝置,以服務生化樣品為優先。目前測試的核種有1H、13C、15N,在1D、2D及3D圖譜。收費標準:計畫付費-委託操作一小時200元,同一樣品實驗設定費計次500元;自行操作一小時150元。非計畫付費-一小時2000元,同一樣品實驗設定費計次2,000元。若有特殊需求請與技術員聯絡並討論實驗可行性。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR005500】生物型核磁共振儀 (Bio 850MHz)
【NMR005500】生物型核磁共振儀 (Bio 850MHz)
Instrument English Name
Biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 850MHz
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):27
Number of Reservations(external):20
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| Bruker AVANCE 500 MHz NMR | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | 儀器購置年月:2015年12月
廠牌及型號:德國 BRUKER,AVANCE-500
重要規格:11.75 Tesla 超導磁場,氫核子共振頻率為500MHz
5mm BBFO Smart Probe
Sample Changer
Work Station: Intel Xeon Dual Core W3505, 2.53GHz
光譜:800 / 1hr
整晚:350 / 1hr |
Instrument Chinese Name
【NMR001200】高磁場核磁共振儀 (500MHz)
【NMR001200】高磁場核磁共振儀 (500MHz)
Instrument English Name
Bruker AVANCE 500 MHz NMR
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):109
Number of Reservations(external):29
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| BRUKER AVANCE III 400MHz Solid NMR | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | 儀器設備說明:
廠牌及型號:德國 BRUKER,AVANCE III 400
重要規格:9.4 Tesla超導磁場,氫核子共振頻率為400 MHz
(1)109AG-15N/1H 4mm probe
(2)15N-31P/1H 4mm probe
(3)X/F/H 2.5mm probe
(4)15N-31P/1H 2.5mm probe
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):145
Number of Reservations(external):149
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| Confocal Optical Analysis System | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | 掃描探針顯微鏡
廠牌型號:Bruker Catalyst SPM / NTU Photonic Workshop 組裝光學共軛焦整合系統
分析模式: 1.材料表面形貌分析 2. 力量分析 3. SPM整合光學系統分析 (Mricro-PL, Micro-Raman, PL & Raman mapping, Time-Resolved PL) |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Confocal Optical Analysis System
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):10
Number of Reservations(external):10
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| Confocal Optical Analysis System | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | 掃描探針顯微鏡
廠牌型號:Bruker Catalyst SPM / NTU Photonic Workshop 組裝光學共軛焦整合系統
分析模式: 1.材料表面形貌分析 2. 力量分析 3. SPM整合光學系統分析 (Mricro-PL, Micro-Raman, PL & Raman mapping, Time-Resolved PL)
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Confocal Optical Analysis System
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumentation Center at NTHU
| Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer | Instrumentation Center at NTHU | Advanced Service for ESR Technology in Biology and Materials (ASERT)
清大尖端服務設施—ASERT 提供進階 ESR/EPR 順磁共振光譜儀服務,透過博士級專家諮詢,提供實驗設計、樣品製備、光譜理論分析等跨領域的討論、並提供實質協助,幫助使用者將進階 ESR/EPR 實驗應用到研究上。
ESR/EPR技術服務:Low temperature X-band cw-ESR, DEER, ESEEM, Power Saturation ESR, T1/T2 measurements, HYSCORE, Theoretical analysis/fitting of spectra.
其他服務項目:Preparations of biological and Inorganic samples, Spin-labeling preparation for soluble and membrane proteins, Preparations of membrane vesicles and nanodiscs.
主持人/聯絡人:江昀緯 教授
E-mail: ywchiang@mx.nthu.edu.tw
電話:03-5715131 ext 33345
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):30
Number of Reservations(external):30
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Advanced | 114 | room temperature |
| room temperature | 200 | 2,000 | 200 | 2,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | LN2 variable temperature |
| LN2 variable temperature | 400 | 4,000 | 400 | 4,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | 4K-80K |
| 4K-80K | 800 | 8,000 | 800 | 8,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | Q-BAND |
| Q-BAND | 1,000 | 10,000 | 1,000 | 10,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | PULSE+LN2 |
| PULSE+LN2 | 3,000 | 30,000 | 3,000 | 30,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | PULSE+LHE |
| PULSE+LHE | 6,000 | 60,000 | 6,000 | 60,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | Spectral analysis. Theoretical calculations |
| Spectral analysis. Theoretical calculations | 500 | 5,000 | 500 | 5,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | CW-EPR wafer samples are subject to additional charges |
| CW-EPR wafer samples are subject to additional charges | 1,000 | 3,000 | 1,000 | 3,000 | No discount |
| |
Advanced | 114 | PULSE-EPR wafer samples are subject to additional charges |
| PULSE-EPR wafer samples are subject to additional charges | 3,000 | 10,000 | 3,000 | 10,000 | No discount |
| |
Basic | 114 | PULSE+HE2 |
| PULSE+HE2 | 6,000 | 30,000 | 6,000 | 30,000 | No discount |
| 為鼓勵利用EPR進行研究,使用費折扣如下:最近一年度如有學術著作發表(通訊作者),內容有使用清大EPR儀器、並於文末謝誌提及本儀器,該次服務總額可獲20%折扣。 |
Basic | 114 | Q-BAND附加費 |
| Q-BAND附加費 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | No discount |
| 為鼓勵利用EPR進行研究,使用費折扣如下:最近一年度如有學術著作發表(通訊作者),內容有使用清大EPR儀器、並於文末謝誌提及本儀器,該次服務總額可獲20%折扣。 |
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