Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| 3D Nanometer Scale Raman PL Microspectrometer | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 廠牌型號:Tokyo Instruments. Nanofinder 30 (共軛焦拉曼系統)
1.具影像Mapping 功能
2.激發波長 HeNe Laser (632.8nm) Semiconductor Laser (488nm)
3.解析度: XY resolution 200 nm (488 nm),320 nm(680 nm) Z resolution 200nm (330nm),320nm(660nm)
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
3D Nanometer Scale Raman PL Microspectrometer
Instrument Category
Imaging system for vibrational spectroscopy
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):97
Number of Reservations(external):94
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| AFM(Scanning Probe Microscope System) | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | Bruker Dimension Icon 掃描探針顯微鏡系統
解析度:X-Y<0.15nm,Z<30pm (Close Loop)。
掃描範圍: 90 x 90 x 12 μm。
1.TappingMode: (大氣/液相) Phase image,
特殊模式 請聯絡中興大學校內貴重儀器
陳建宇 先生 22840508#192
應用科技大樓1F 奈米中心
1.ScanAsyst, PeakForce QNM (大氣/液相)
2.Contact Mode:(大氣/液相), 側向力模式
4.Dark mode 掃描電容顯微鏡 SCM、 導電式顯微術 CAFM
5.Piezoresponse Microscopy, Force Spectroscopy (PFM)
表面形貌掃描 2000元/hr
數據處理及傳輸 500元/件
委託操作 2000元/hr
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
AFM(Scanning Probe Microscope System)
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 114 | surface scanning |
| surface scanning | 750 | 3,000 | 750 | 3,000 | No discount |
| Contact mode、Tapping mode 、ScanAsyst mode 含(表面形貌、粗糙度(Rq、Ra) |
Basic | 114 | Mechanical 、 electrical 、Liquid phase scanning |
| Mechanical 、 electrical 、Liquid phase scanning | 900 | 3,000 | 900 | 3,000 | No discount |
| Modulus、CAFM 、SCM 、 PFM、KPFM、EFM、MFM 、Liquid Phase scanning |
Basic | 114 | AFM peobe (used) |
| AFM peobe (used) | 300 | 500 | 300 | 500 | No discount |
| 非全新探針使用 |
Basic | 114 | AFM peobe (new) |
| AFM peobe (new) | 1,000 | 1,350 | 1,000 | 1,350 | No discount |
| 全新探針使用 |
Basic | 114 | AFM conductive or liquid phase probe (new) |
| AFM conductive or liquid phase probe (new) | 1,500 | 1,800 | 1,500 | 1,800 | No discount |
| |
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Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| Agilent Technologies 600MHz NMR DD2 | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 儀器購置年月:2013年12月
※ 儀器經費來源:國科會、中興大學
※ 廠牌及型號:美國 Agilent Technologies DD2
※ 重要規格:14.1 Tesla 超導磁場,氫核子共振頻率為 600 MHz
主要測試液態NMR光譜,包括1H、13C、31P、15N 及頻率在15N 到 31P 之間之核種
四、 整晚實驗每小時50元。
五、 需變溫實驗者每一溫度加收20元。
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Agilent Technologies 600MHz NMR DD2
Instrument Category
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):46
Number of Reservations(external):43
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 電子順磁共振光譜(EPR)儀利用固定微波頻率予樣品,並改變外加磁場強度,藉以觀測樣品中未成對電子之變化,推算樣品自由基特性或金屬價數變化,廣泛應用於化學、材料、環工或生醫等領域。共振腔:Super High Q Cavity、Dual Mode Cavity、ENDOR、Double EPR Reasonator;實驗條件:光反應(可見光 / 紫外光 / 模擬太陽光 )、變溫系統(3.8 ~ 500 K)、電化學、光譜理論計算等
廠牌型號:Bruker EMX-Plus 10/12 , X-band
聯絡人員:曾資賢 博士後研究員
預約電話:04 - 2284 – 0234 # 291
地址:402 台中市南區興大路 145 號 應用科技大樓 114 室 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):58
Number of Reservations(external):56
Billing Trial Calculation
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Basic | 114 | Electron Nuclear Double Resonance, ENDOR |
| Electron Nuclear Double Resonance, ENDOR | 100 | 250 | 100 | 250 | No discount |
| 單一樣品分析超過15分鐘
a sample more then 15 min. |
Basic | 114 | test at room temperature |
| test at room temperature | 200 | 500 | 200 | 500 | No discount |
| 基本室溫實驗,不含任何附加設備。
Base on room temperature analysis sample.
All experiments come with a complimentary 15-minute analysis for a single sample. Subsequent analysis time will be charged at a rate of NT$100 per 15 minutes, with a minimum billing increment of 15 minutes. |
Basic | 114 | Additional Appliances |
| Additional Appliances | 100 | 250 | 100 | 250 | No discount |
| 1. 定量使用-毛細管(Quantitative application – capillary)
2. 定量計算(Quantitative calculation)
3. Spin trap藥品使用(spin trap reagents)
4.變溫計價(Temperature-dependent) |
Basic | 114 | Lighting reaction (UV/visible light) |
| Lighting reaction (UV/visible light) | 1,000 | 2,500 | 1,000 | 2,500 | No discount |
| 液氦變溫裝置單次操作費.
Liquid helium variable temperature device operation |
Basic | 114 | EPR simulation |
| EPR simulation | 100 | 250 | 100 | 250 | No discount |
| EPR 光譜模擬軟體 - Xsophe
EPR spectrum simulation |
Basic | 114 | test at room temperature |
| test at room temperature | 300 | 750 | 300 | 750 | No discount |
| 提供量測時原位(in situ)照光服務,三種光源:可見光 / 紫外光 / 模擬太陽光
We offer in-situ light irradiation services for measurements, utilizing three types of light sources: visible light, ultraviolet light, and simulated sunlight. Additionally, we provide variable temperature experiments, covering a range from 77K to 200-400K. Our services also include electrochemical experiments.
All experiments come with a complimentary 15-minute analysis for a single sample. Subsequent analysis time will be charged at a rate of NT$100 per 15 minutes, with a minimum billing increment of 15 minutes.
可見光 / Visiable:
光源 / Source:氙燈 / Xe Lamp
功率 / Power(W):150
波長 / Wavelength(nm):460 ~ 1000
紫外光 / UV:
光源 / Source:汞燈 / Hg Lamp
功率 / Power(W):250
波長 / Wavelength(nm):365
模擬太陽光 / simulated sunlight
光源 / Source:汞燈 / Hg Lamp
功率 / Power:100瓦 / 100W
波長 / Wavelength:200 ~ 1000 nm
濾光片範圍 / Filter (nm): a.383~443 b.418~503 c.460~540 d.524~595 e.584~650 f.630~696 g.661~739
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Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| Electron Spectroscope for Chemical Analysis | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 化學分析電子能譜儀,又名X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope, XPS),是設計來進行物質表面定性與定量的化學分析。ESCA的基本功能為全能譜分析(survey analysis)、元素線掃描(line scan)、化學成像(chemical imaging)與成分縱深分佈(depth profiling)。成分縱深分佈包括離子濺擊縱深分佈與適用於超薄薄膜之角度解析(angle-resolved)縱深分佈兩種。儀器的廠牌及型號:ULVAC-PHI, PHI 5000 VersaProbe / Scanning ESCA Microprobe。服務的項目包含:全能譜圖 (survey)、單元素能譜圖 (multiplex)、元素線掃瞄 (line scan)、元素影像掃瞄 (mapping)、成份縱深分佈 (depth profiling)、超薄膜角度解析分析 (angle-resolved analysis)。收費標準以小時計算,每小時450元(包含開電荷補償50元/小時),其他細項費用請詳閱服務辦法。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Electron Spectroscope for Chemical Analysis
Instrument Category
Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):15
Number of Reservations(external):19
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| Elemental analyzer (Elementar vario EL cube) | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 德國製 Elementar vario EL cube 元素分析儀.可分析化合物中的NCHS及O元素之重量百分比. 所有樣品為委託操作. 計畫使用者: NCH 及 O 一般性樣品240元/件 NCH 及 O 特殊性(液態、空敏)樣品320元/件 NCSH一般性樣品450元/件 NCSH特殊性樣品(液態、空敏)560元/件 非計畫使用者及一般廠商: NCH 及 O 一般性樣品1,500元/件 NCH 及 O 特殊性樣品(液態、空敏)2,000元/件 NCSH一般性樣品3,000元/件 NCSH特殊性樣品4,000元/件。
有效測量範圍 [element absolute] :
C : 0.03~20mg、H : 0.03~3 mg、N : 0.03~2 mg、S : 0.03~6 mg、O : 0.03~2 mg。
樣品需要量 :
測NCH: 固體10-15 mg。
測 O: 樣品建議送測量10-15 mg。
測 S: 含量1%以上,送測量10-15 mg; 低於1%,建議送測量30 mg。
回件時間:送件前 可來電或來信告知需檢測元素及預測樣品數量,可告知預期回件時間。
儀器 運作原理 影片
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f_E5fdq-3U |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Elemental analyzer (Elementar vario EL cube)
Instrument Category
Elemental Analyzer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):20
Number of Reservations(external):24
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (含EDS)JEM-2100F | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 1.場發射穿透式電子顯微鏡(FE-TEM)
‧放大倍率:X 50 to 1500K
‧解像度:Point Resoltion:≦0.23nm;Lattice Resoltion:≦0.1nm
‧聚焦束繞射(CBED):Convergent Angle:1.5~20 mrad
‧SDD detector (LN2 free),80mm2 active area
3.數位影像處理系統 (CCD)
4.附屬設備:EDS, STEM, Digital image system
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (含EDS)JEM-2100F
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| Focused Ion Beam System(FIB) | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 一、廠牌型號 : JEOL JIB-4601F
二、相關規格 :
1.電子束解析度1.2 nm (30 kV)&3.0 nm (1 kV),
3.離子束規格:解析度5 nm,
6. TEM試片取出為玻璃針取樣,
7. EDS規格 : 元素偵測範圍:Be4~Pu94,偵測器解析度:等於或低於127 eV 。
三、收費標準 : 計畫預約者,委託操作採時段制,每時段3小時,每小時750元,EDS分析(含定性定量及Mapping)每次200元,鍍碳銅網一片50元。故未到者、未取消者皆需收取基本時段費用3小時2250元時數費。
預約請留意注意事項,預約後請再次檢閱預約單,預約後即視為認同相關規範。 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
Focused Ion Beam System(FIB)
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| High Resolution Mass Spectrometer | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 廠牌型號:Thermo Q-Exactive Plus
本系統除提供有機無機小分子進行高解析質譜分析外,亦可偵測蛋白質,高分子聚合物等大型分子。該設備搭配EI, ESI, MALDI等多種離子源,並具有MS/MS 高解析分析能力。
收費標準:NT$ 200/3000(件)
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
High Resolution Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category
Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):25
Number of Reservations(external):38
Billing Trial Calculation
Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University
| High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope | Instrumnt center of Chung Hsing University | 廠牌及型號:日本JEOL JEM-2010。
加速電壓:200 kv。
解析度:0.25nm(Point Resolution),0.14nm(Lattice Resolution)。
收費標準:執照者 300 元/時, 代測者 500 元/時
CCD 10 元/張
EDS 100 元/點 |
Instrument Chinese Name
Instrument English Name
High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope
Instrument Category
Electron Microscope
Instrument Status
服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):0
Number of Reservations(external):0
Billing Trial Calculation