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1 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EM025600】Talos F200X G2 高解析場發射掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡
Instrument English Name Talos F200X G2, High Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Instrument Category Electron Microscope
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):38
Number of Reservations(external):30
2 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EM0000008804】變溫探針顯微鏡
Instrument English Name Atom force microscopy
Instrument Category Electron Microscope
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):10
Number of Reservations(external):5
3 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EM0000008806】高解析度探針顯微鏡
Instrument English Name Atom force microscopy
Instrument Category Electron Microscope
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
4 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【ESCA00002100】歐傑電子能譜儀
Instrument English Name Auger Electron Spectroscopy
Instrument Category Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
5 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【SEMI003600】雙電子槍蒸鍍機
Instrument English Name Dual E-Beam Evaporator
Instrument Category Semiconductor
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
6 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【ESCA001800】常壓雙光源光電子能譜儀
Instrument English Name Dual sources photoemission spectroscopy
Instrument Category Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):9
Number of Reservations(external):2
7 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EPR000600】電子順磁共振光譜儀
Instrument English Name Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer
Instrument Category Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):89
Number of Reservations(external):77
8 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EM0000011300】FEI Tecnai F20 G2 場發射掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡
Instrument English Name FEI Tecnai F20 G2 Field-emission Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
Instrument Category Electron Microscope
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):25
Number of Reservations(external):26
9 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EPMA000100】高解析電子微探儀
Instrument English Name Field Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer JEOL JXA 8530F
Instrument Category Electron Probe Microanalyzer
Instrument Status 暫停服務(Service Paused)
10 國立中山大學貴重暨共用儀器中心
Joint Center for High Valued Instruments at NSYSU
Instrument Chinese Name 【EM001500】場發射型掃描式電子顯微鏡
Instrument English Name Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Instrument Category Electron Microscope
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):55
Number of Reservations(external):28
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