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1 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【NMR001700】核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name Bruker NMR
Instrument Category Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):150
Number of Reservations(external):150
2 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【NMR001708】核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name Bruker NMR 400MHz
Instrument Category Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):150
Number of Reservations(external):150
3 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【NMR001704】核磁共振儀
Instrument English Name Bruker 600MHz
Instrument Category Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):150
Number of Reservations(external):150
4 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【EM024700】場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡
Instrument English Name FESEM+EDS/WDS system
Instrument Category Electron Microscope
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
5 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【ICP000700】感應耦合電漿質譜儀
Instrument English Name Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Category Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):99
Number of Reservations(external):99
6 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【SQUID001100】超導量子干涉儀
Instrument English Name Superconducting quantum interference device
Instrument Category Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):30
Number of Reservations(external):30
7 國立東華大學自有儀器共同使用計畫
Instrument Center of National Dong Hwa University
Instrument Chinese Name 【ESCA003300】X 射線光電子能譜儀
Instrument English Name X-ray Photoelectron Sperctroscopy
Instrument Category Electron spectrometer
Instrument Status 服務(On Service)
Number of Reservations
(within a month)
Number of Reservations(Internal):21
Number of Reservations(external):22